SOQRATES Meeting at TU Graz & ISCN, Graz, Austria, 24.-25.7.2023
SOQRATES ( is a working group of leading Tier 1 and consultants in the automotive and electronics field who exchange best practices about the implementation of ASPICE, Functional Safety, Cybersecurity, AI, Machine Learning and SOTIF. SPOQRATES was founded 2033 with the support of the Bavarian software initiative and has meanwhile partners in Germany, Austria, France, and Czech Republic. ISCN is moderator since 2003.
A SOQRATES partner meeting took place at TU Graz in cooperation with ISCN, Austria. At this SOQRATES meeting we further developed the futore strateges to work on Data Driven Engineering and Artificail Intelligence topics and we coordinated the contributions to the upcoming EuroSPI conference.